Germination Seeds are very easy to germinate. Seeds need up to 3 months to germinate. Minimum 18°C. Maximum 30°C.
A visitor 2006-12-13
Germination Seeds are fairly easy to germinate. Seeds need up to 1 month to germinate. Minimum 20°C.
Have found that seeds germinate readily if nicked and then left to lie on top of a moist potted substrate. Place the pot in a heated propogator, and the seeds usually sprout within a few days.
Ireland [Co Offaly] Bell [bellmr@iol.ie] 2007-03-20
Germination Seeds are very easy to germinate. Seeds need up to 1 month to germinate.
I have just germinated my first baobab seedling (A. Digitata). I just used a bastard file to scuff off the outer coating. The shiny, dark brown under coating proved impenetrable to the file. Doing nothing more I soaked them in warm tap water and refreshed the water every day for three days, then planted them in a community pot. We recieved some unexpected cold weather (around 34 F), but one has sprouted--they are being grown in full sun. It took about 3 weeks.
U.S.A. [Starke/Florida] Moore [vulcansforge@embarqmail.com] 2008-04-21
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